Patients want rejuvenation and age-related improvements in surgical outcomes and reductions; they are willing to undergo cosmetic surgery. Fluid facelift or at least making potential potential patients cosmetic or at least making submersible surgery necessary, and possibly fluid trimming yes, no time for injury to avoid surgery altogether (with some bruising and minimal capacity).
Fillers and injectable treatments can fill areas of volume loss. They cannot, however, tighten the skin. Only a facelift can target moderate to significant skin laxity. Facelift surgery removes sagging, hanging skin that developed with tissue breakdown.
The restoration of volume provided by the strategic placement of dermal fillers can allow a liquid facelift to improve the jowls. Unfortunately, dermal fillers cannot reverse sagging jowls the way that a surgical facelift can.
The surgical facelift lifts the tissues and skin that creates the jowls. When these tissues are raised and are no longer putting pressure on the jawline, patients can witness the actual improvement of the jowls, not just the masking of it.
A liquid facelift will provide rejuvenating results typically for nine months to a year. A surgical facelift will produce results for many years since it physically manipulates the skin and tissues.
While dermal fillers and injectables are certainly cheaper upfront, they may not remain that way if repeated treatments are desired and administered.
A facelift requires a one-time fee, and while this expense will be noticeably higher than a liquid facelift, the repetition of liquid facelift procedures may surpass the cost of the surgical facelift.