what are the disadvantages of thread lift

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Magik Thread_1

Complications: Although thread lift is considered minimally invasive, some sutures and cuts are required. There is still a risk of complications such as bruising, thread breakage, thread extrusion, fever, and infection. Even with topical anaesthetics, some patients may still experience pain during or after the procedure. 

What are the disadvantagesof PDO threads?

Like most skin procedures, there is the risk of side effects with PDO threads. However, this risk is much lower than those associated with facelift surgeries, with less scarring, bruising and bleeding when performed professionally.

Minor complications from PDO threads can occurs in 15 – 20 per cent of procedures, but are usually easily corrected. These include:

Visible sutures


Snapping of threads

Minor bruising



Mono Pdo Thread Distributor

Magik Thread pdo thread supplier-Dermax

Magik Thread is a product produced and sold by Dermax. Dermax It is committed to the field of medical cosmetology and has been actively engaged in the development, production and sales of PDO lines, hyaluronic acid fillers and micro-casings. We have a professional technical team, a GMP production factory and a complete and strict inspection system to ensure a stable and advanced production process.