what are hyaluronic acid filler side effects

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In December 2003, hyaluronic acid injection beauty products officially entered the market, and at a rapid rate of nearly 25% per year, becoming the second largest category of injection beauty products after botulinum toxin. Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronic acid, is an acidic mucopolysaccharide with a strong ability to absorb water, and its content directly affects the elasticity of human skin and is closely related to the aging of the human body.

Aqua Secret dermal hyaluronic acid dermax_副本

Side effects after hyaluronic acid injection are often manifested as mild pain, local redness, ecchymosis and itching symptoms, which generally appear 1~3d after injection, and the symptoms will disappear naturally within 2 weeks. The incidence is: swelling 77%, erythema 60%, pain 21%, and ecchymosis 16%. 

Local allergic reactions are more common 1~3 months after injection, usually induced by drinking alcohol or eating spicy food, seafood, etc. It tends to occur in the tear trough and the middle of the face, manifested as varying degrees of local redness and irregular intervals.

Vascular embolism is the most serious complication of hyaluronic acid filling injection, which may lead to more serious consequences. Due to the abundant blood circulation of the head and face and the developed collateral circulation, once the injection material enters the blood vessel, there is great uncertainty about its direction of travel.

Malignant embolic events are often caused by a variety of factors at the same time, including: (1) the filler is mistakenly injected into the lumen of the blood vessel, resulting in obstruction of the lumen of the tube; (2) After the filling dose is too roughly local tissue edema, it compresses the adjacent blood vessels; (3) The needle pierces the blood vessel wall, initiates the endogenous coagulation pathway, and forms a thrombosis; (4) Due to local bleeding and hematoma, compressing nearby tissues, causing severe pain and pale skin in local tissues.