There Is a Great Demand for Non-surgical Aesthetics, Magik PDO Thread Lifts Are a New Way to Achieve Instant Skin Tightening

Views: 166     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-09-15      Origin: Site

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Painless non-surgical skin tightening procedures are now available and very popular for someone who want to look better but do not through surgery.


Magik PDO Thread Lifts are a simple, painless procedure used for skin tightening on the face, neck, or anywhere else on the body. As popular and effective as Botulinum Toxin is, it simply doesn't have the ability to lift the skin. In the past, there hasn't been a great way to produce lifting results without surgery. 

There Is a Great Demand for Non-surgical Aesthetics, Magik PDO Thread Lifts Are a New Way to Achieve Instant Skin Tightening (2) 

Non-surgical aesthetics are in high demand and Magik Thread Lifts, new to the United States, have the ability to produce skin that is instantly lifted and tightened.

This procedure uses no cuts or incisions, only injections. Threads are needles that are pre-loaded with PDO thread. The whole needle is inserted in the tissue at the sub-dermal level, along the surface of the skin and then the needle is pulled out. Threads can be used nearly anywhere on the body, but they are especially effective on the neck and jawline.

There Is a Great Demand for Non-surgical Aesthetics, Magik PDO Thread Lifts Are a New Way to Achieve Instant Skin Tightening

What is PDO?

Polydioxanone (PDO) sutures have been used for surgical procedures for many decades. It is one of the safest materials to implant in the body. PDO Threads are completely dissolvable and your skin fully absorbs it within 4 to 6 months, leaving no scar tissue behind. This is especially effective when it's used together with chemical peels, Botulinum Toxin, and fillers to effect a patient's entire facial structure, remove sunspots and other conditions.

There Is a Great Demand for Non-surgical Aesthetics, Magik PDO Thread Lifts Are a New Way to Achieve Instant Skin Tightening (3)

It is a great way to rejuvenate and restore youthful contours to brows, cheeks, jowls and the neck area. They are also effective on the breasts, buttocks and upper arms, areas that are prone to sagging due to weight loss, aging, pregnancy and childbirth or poor muscle tone.

Magik PDO Thread Lifts are a great way to rejuvenate and restore youthful contours to brows, cheeks, jowls and the neck area. Results from threads generally last between 12 months to several years depending on the area that has been treated, how many threads are used and what kinds of threads are used in each needle.


There Is a Great Demand for Non-surgical Aesthetics, Magik PDO Thread Lifts Are a New Way to Achieve Instant Skin Tightening (4)